Lithium Fires From NYC to Venice Beach

Alex Koyfman

Posted March 16, 2023

Dear Reader,

Another week, another slew of lithium fire headlines from across the country. 

On Tuesday, three businesses burned in Venice Beach, California, after a lithium battery overheated — a pet canine of one of the business owners perished. 

That same day, an e-bike battery set fire to a home in Natchitoches, Louisiana.

Last week, Easton, Pennsylvania, Fire Marshal Chad Gruver issued an open letter to the public warning that the hazards of lithium batteries can be found everywhere, including many of today’s most popular electronic devices.

“Their fragility and ability to increase the scale of an emergency, such as a fire, exponentially,” he stated. “We need to remember to use caution and try to reduce risk as much as possible.”

FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh issued a similar warning in an interview a week prior.

"In all of these fires, these lithium-ion fires, it is not a slow burn. There’s not a small amount of fire. It literally explodes," she said. "It’s a tremendous volume of fire as soon as it happens, and it’s very difficult to extinguish and so it’s particularly dangerous."

This Trend Can Only Do Two Things: Grow or Die

With each passing year, the danger of lithium battery fires increases right alongside the number of batteries in circulation. 

Finally, after nearly three decades of living with this potentially deadly nature of modern rechargeable batteries, people are starting to listen. 

Earlier this month, NYC passed some of the first legislation of its kind seen in any major U.S. city, aimed at controlling the usage of recycled e-bike batteries — among the most prevalent culprits behind the emerging epidemic. 

lithium fire

For those who have already lost property, valuables, or loved ones to the unstable nature of lithium batteries, such efforts no doubt ring hollow. 

The truth that both consumers and corporations need to accept right now is that lithium-ion batteries don’t need to be fixed…

They need to be replaced. 

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

Plenty of solutions have been proposed, but right now the most promising alternative to lithium is being developed at an Australian company operating out of Brisbane. 

This young firm has patented a new method for the production of graphene — a single-molecule-thick "nanostructure" that’s been hailed as the wonder material of the 21st century. 

Graphene Sheet

First discovered in the early 2000s, graphene went on to win its researchers the Nobel Prize in 2010. 

At that time, the cost of producing graphene exceeded the price of gold by a factor of almost two. 

Today, thanks to the innovations made at this Australian company’s headquarters, the cost and complexity of the process have been brought down by orders of magnitude. 

Today, the world’s best graphene can be made cheaply, using nothing more than natural gas and electricity. 

Graphene and Distributed Energy Storage: A Natural Pairing

One of the first applications this company chose to pursue was a next-generation rechargeable battery. 

Today, after years of research and work developing its manufacturing process, this company is turning out some of the first consumer-grade graphene batteries ever seen. 

The benefits over traditional lithium-ion are so great that a complete disruption of the industry is all but guaranteed. 

Graphene-cathode batteries can hold up to three times the charge of similar lithium-ion units. 

They last between 3 and 5 times the number of charge/discharge cycles. 

They charge up to 70 times as fast.

On a practical level, this means that a modern EV equipped with a graphene battery pack will:

  • Be able to charge from zero to full capacity in less time than it takes to pump a tank of gas. 
  • Be able to run off that charge for a month of driving.
  • Be able to run for over 1 million miles before requiring major overhauls.

This Battery Will Outlast Your Car… and It Might Outlast You

Oh, and graphene is far more stable than lithium, which means that overheating and fires will become a non-issue as these new batteries push the old benchmark out of the market.

In fact, in stress testing, a graphene battery was able to absorb a high-powered rifle bullet and continue to function.

This company is no longer just researching this technology and building prototypes. 

It's already in the production stage and already building partnerships with major corporations to get production units into end users' hands as soon as possible. 

Now, here’s the part you need to pay special attention to…

This company has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media. I know of no other analysts covering the stock. 

This has led to what has to be one of the most unbalanced valuations I’ve ever seen in the tech space. 

The Cheapest Stock on the Market?

The company’s market capitalization, as of this morning, was under USD$140 million. 

This is despite the fact that it's on the verge of full-scale commercialization, with almost nothing standing between it and the total disruption of the Li-ion market, projected to be worth north of $200 billion — with a B — by the end of the decade. 

It’s hard to put into words just how undervalued this stock is right now. 

North American investors have access to shares right now, on two major exchanges, yet volume is at a trickle. 

To me, that spells opportunity… maybe the biggest I’ve seen in a decade or more. 

The opportunity is so big, in fact, that I decided to put all my research into a video to spread the word among our readers as quickly as possible. 

Access is instant and free of charge to our Wealth Daily readers, and it takes only minutes to get all the information you need. 

Enter here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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